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Pathways Community Center

As York County's population continues to grow, so does the number of people in crisis, poverty, and homelessness. Many adults and families who want help don't know where to go or start the process. Rather than directing them to one agency, then another agency, all in different locations throughout the community, a group of business, church, government, and community leaders worked with existing agencies to mobilize critical services in one place in Rock Hill to improve accessibility. Pathways Community Center is the first door in one’s journey out of poverty. Pathways is an intake and referral agency and house essential nonprofits that help clients become stable and achieve self-sufficiency.




What's our role?

Community Engagement 


Brand Development 


Event Curation

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Promotional Material Creation


Website Maintenance


Video Production


Digital Media Management

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Headshots and Stock Images


Humanizing Homelessness Immersive Social Art Exhibit 

"The Humanizing Homelessness Exhibit highlights the realities of the plight of homelessness through immersive storytelling and data sharing. These shared experiences are designed to take you on a pathway that inspires you into action through your time, talent, and treasure.

Allow yourself to feel... to embrace... to experience... those within our community born into poverty and those who became homeless through hardship. This exhibit is designed to expand the conversation about homelessness and the disparities facing our zero-to-low-income population while promoting empathy, advocacy, and collaborative solutions."















Care Packages Donated
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